
We’re proud to announce the (human) winners of our pet photo contest! A big thanks to all who entered, it was extremely difficult to choose our winners. Stay tuned for details on how you can order the 2019 SK Pet Calendar!

  • Sarah Bergstrom
  • Carrie Boss
  • Patrick Callahan
  • Nicole Dickison
  • Shannon Fallon
  • Melissa Hill
  • Eric Johnson
  • Pat Lagalo
  • Kaitlyn Maslowski
  • Scott Reddinger
  • Peyton Shafer
  • Andrea Soderna
  • Heather Warn

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One Reply to “Pet Contest Winners”

  1. Fan Mail for Jimmy!!!!! So cute! I love all the dogs and pets, but especially cute… Jimmy and that adorable dog-goat named Fern:) I have a chihuahua mix,and think she would be super cutie-pie in your cap! Fans from Houston, Texas!


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