The Reynolds Family

On August 10th of this year, the newest member of the extended Kromer family was brought into the world – Hunter George Reynolds. While the family is celebrating now, little Hunter has had to fight to get here.

You see, Hunter was born 3 months premature and weighed in at just 1 lb, 10 oz on that August day. Members of the Kromer family contacted us soon after his birth, and his Stormy Kromer family here in Ironwood immediately joined the large group of people sending prayers his way.

His family just sent us this photo this week – and you can see how tiny little Hunter still is 4 1/2 months later. His Lil Kromer Cap is still way too big on him! He has been quite the fighter these months – and the best news is that he has been able to finally go home after spending months in the NICU.

So how does Hunter fit into the Kromer family? Hunter is Stormy’s great-great-great nephew, and his middle name of George is in homage to the many “Georges” in the Kromer family, including our namesake, George “Stormy” Kromer.

One last note. Hunter’s parents are named Tyler and Angela. Do you see what happens when you correctly arrange the initials of their first names? H. A. T.

Tyler and Angela say this was completely unintentional. Maybe. Or maybe there was a little divine intervention from his great-great-great uncle.

Please join us in welcoming Hunter home for Christmas, a Kromer Christmas miracle!

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6 Replies to “A Kromer Christmas Miracle”

  1. Hunter George Reynolds is indeed our Christmas Miracle. God still works great miracles as proved in Hunter’s life so far.


    1. This little guy is a trooper which means a “true-yupper”. The best gift God has given us ever. Thank you baby Jesus for baby Hunter.

      Grandpa Steve.


      1. I think I spelled You per wrong. Sorry.


      2. so so so Happy for you grandpa Steve and family. God is great, the greatest gift God gave to us started off a baby……how appropriate that once again God’s gift to you is a baby.


    2. I want to Thank everyone whose prayed for Hunter and his family.God brought little Hunter into this world to strengthen people’s faith.Merry Christmas everyone.


  2. Bonnie and Jim Delaruelle December 22, 2015 at 9:43 pm

    God’s blessings to you and your family. So happy to see all three smiling faces. 2016 will be a wonderful year.


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