Melissa Allen, Stormy KromerThe first thing I did was attach the earband, which is like going straight to the top.
– Melissa Allen, Sewing Machine Operator

When people ask what I do for a living, I tell them I work on the Kromer line—with a big smile on my face, of course. Naturally, I’m happy to be here. I get to work with great and hard-working people, and we make something that lasts a lifetime. How could you be anything but proud of that?

After three years here, I get to do a lot of different jobs, but my day is mostly spent stitching in the liners and the labels, and I still get to help attach the earbands. For me, every day on the job is the best day on the job because I know people can wear our gear with a smile.

It’s true I only own one Kromer cap—it’s stylish, and it keeps my head really warm—but every single member of my
family has a cap to go with mine, so I think we’re covered. Well… I suppose we could use a few more. And I’ve been eyeing up the purses, too.

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