I can hear you smiling.
– Kirsten Dowd, Customer Service

Kirsten Down, Stormy Kromer Customer ServiceI can’t even mend my own socks, so I don’t get to do any of the sewing here at Stormy Kromer. But I do get to talk directly to our fans and help them with their orders. That’s about the best thing ever, and my greatest reward is having a happy customer on the other end of the line. Trust me, you can hear their smiles.

I talk to so many folks throughout the day—maybe I’m helping them pick out a cap, or sometimes they just want to chat. Either way, my job is to give them the best experience they can possibly have.

And you know, I think I’m doing an okay job. My most memorable call, for example, was a marriage proposal from a happy customer! I did have to turn him down gently, as I am already spoken for, but it was a great compliment.

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