Well, the month of January is over, and so officially is this year’s Living Legend program. Once again, you were extremely generous with your support of the program through your January shopping, and we will be sending our donation check off to St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital next week.

Living LegendThe staff here at Stormy Kromer has really enjoyed getting to know Laura Mae Beaubien. So did Leslie Pugmire Hole, reporter at the Redmond Spokesman, a central Oregon newspaper. Her interview with Laura and family resulted in a few wonderful quotes that we’d like to share.

Leslie quotes Laura’s son Bob, who first considered nominating his father Harold.

“I started thinking about what had made my Dad strong and I realized it was my mother. She was always in his corner, she went to bat for him all the time. A 60-year marriage? People just don’t do that anymore.”

Laura continues to be humbled, and even a bit embarrassed about all the attention she’s received as our Living Legend, but still hopes her story is inspiring, even though (as she told us when she won), she didn’t win a war or anything.

“Families need to know there are good, one-day-at-a-time people still out there”, Laura said.

Yes, we sure do. And thanks Laura, for the legendary reminder.

Reader interactions

8 Replies to “Living Legend Wrap-Up”

  1. Laurie Beaubien Collins February 1, 2013 at 9:56 am

    So very proud to be her (and Dad’s) daughter! She and Dad made the best parents any kid could ask for ~ Thank you so much to Stormy Kromer and all the wonderful folks who voted!


  2. I am deeply honored . Will cherish this Living Legend award always. My thanks to all who made it possible, bless your hearts, live a good life……. one day at a time. Laura Beaubien


  3. Thank You Stormy Kromer Fans, for selecting my Mother. I hope you all have as much love in your life as my Mother, (Father and family), have given me. And for your support to St Judes,for all the children.


  4. Amy Beaubien Freitag February 1, 2013 at 4:01 pm

    Thank You Stormy Kromer for making such a honorable and fun award. I am truly blessed to have such a fabulous Grandma and I know my Grandpa is just as happy for her as we all are. I love you Grandma!!!


  5. Laura was my 4-H sewing leader when I was a girl. She was a true inspiration to me then and continues to be one of the most special people I know. I can’t think of anyone more deserving of this than her and her husband Harold. Thank you Stormy Kromer for honoring her in such a wonderful way. I now have my first Stormy Kromer hat and love it! I had to get it to help support St. Jude for Laura!


    1. Thanks for your support of Laura, St. Jude’s and Stormy Kromer!!!!


  6. Congratulations Laura on your selection as the 2013 Stormy Kromer Living Legend!
    I am so happy for you and your family, you are truly legendary.


    1. From one legend to another!


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